
Welcome to our virtual web home, this place is built for our friends and ourselves.
As creators, we do not promise frequent updates, but one could find news about our family here from time to time.
This site was not intended for any specific purpose, but only as a nice way of sharing data and keeping old memories.
Fasten your sitbelts and enjoy the flight.

Here you will find only the newest pictures. Since I got a digital camera, photocollection grows very fast,
every time I made new pics I had to remmember the directory I put them in, so these simple links should make my life easier..

My journey to Italy autemn 2001

Some nice pics from Galil, Israel

Celebrating Erez's birthday in Mizpe (Israeli desert)

Rather funny pics from Haifa with friends

Just another sunset in Israel

Well, these are "the last day of my VW Golf"

Winter 2002 carnival in Basel, Switzerland

Rhein and Rain during summer in Europe

Some nice pics from summer in Germany

A few pics from weekend in France

Beau Marseille sur le bord de la mer

La France, Marseille dans l'autemn

Ville de Francais-Suisse en montagnes

Deutsche Landschaft

Trying out the Opel Speedster

My little Golfie

Some of my old Linux Screenshots

European spring, french alps (NEW!)

Oh Yeah, this was a dream car :)

Vacation september 2003 (Basel,Geneve,Paris)

International CarShow 2004 in Geneve

My new Honda S2000 :)

The last day of S2000 :(

Historical: REND.EXE (I was 16 when I wrote this)

Hacking motorola e680

Playing snooker in Montreux

Screenshots of hx4700 running Linux

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Contact phone in Switzerland:
" To do something, whatever it is, better than sitting around, wasting the priceless life ... " Sadi, Persian Poet